Dream Big!

       Meet the Founder and CEO

Sandra Kaye with a dog

Sandra Kaye

CEO, St. Francis Homeless Project, Inc.

Though there are homeless shelters throughout Fresno County, few offer the practical job training and work experience to get these individuals back on their feet. Sandra Kaye recognized this issue back in 2010 and founded the St. Francis Homeless Project, Inc. to target one of the key groups in the homeless statistic – disadvantaged women recovering from substance abuse, domestic violence, and human trafficking. The idea was to develop a program that gave these women the resources to gain practical job skills and a means of becoming self-sufficient. Being a dog lover and an entrepreneur of several other businesses, Sandra found a way to incorporate the production of an all-natural dog treat with a work and training program that supported women in recovery. With the program starting small and gradually increasing over the years, the St. Francis Homeless Project has been able to stick to its core values and give the women in the program the attention and training needed to be successful in their future endeavors. 

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